'Madama Butterfly' livestream in Filmtheater Voorschoten‏

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  • Auteur
    • #1204 Reageer
      Bob Blöte

      Do. 7 juli (21.30):
      Madama Butterfly
      Giacomo Puccini (IT 1904)
      Italiaans gezongen, Engels ondert., 160 min., genre: opera. http://www.taorminafestival.org/It/Events/149/Giacomo_Puccini_MADAMA_BUTTERFLY
      Rechtstreekste live-stream van Puccini’s opera Madama Butterfly vanuit het historische Griekse openluchttheater Teatro Antico Taormina in Sicilië tijdens het Taormina Opera Festival van het Festival Euro Mediterraneo. De voorstelling vangt om 21.30 aan in verband met de afnemende daglichtintensiteit en de podiumbelichting. Regisseur: Enrico Castiglione, dirigent: Myron Michailidis met het symfonieorkest en koor van het Taormina Festival. Zang: Hye Myung Kang, Zoran Todorovich, Ning Liang & Davide Damiani. Afwijkende toegangsprijs: € 15,-. Reserveren: http://www.filmtheatervoorschoten.nl of 06-10331176

      Nagasaki, early 20th century. The geisha Cio-Cio-San, called Madame Butterfly, has married an American naval officer, Pinkerton, who deserts her shortly after the wedding. Butterfly bears his son and patiently awaits her husband’s return. One day, the American consul receives a letter from Pinkerton in which he says he has an American wife (his marriage in Japan not being legally recognized in America) and is returning to fetch his child. Pinkerton’s ship finally arrives and he sets out to visit Butterfly with his wife Kate. Filled with remorse, however, he is unable to face Butterfly and leaves Kate alone with her. Butterfly tells Kate that she will give Pinkerton his son if he comes to fetch him.

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